I don't know anyone but myself who has long awaited any additions to this picture blog, but isn't it best to assume the positive?
Here are some photos from various genealogy or other sites. These are just thumbnails to tempt you. Clicking on the photo or on the link I give should link you to the family's site, to the page where the photo is. This is for courtesy and possibly copyright reasons.

The Jacob-Buys family. Clicking on the picture above will take you to the original site, where names are listed under the photo.
Upon reading a little further, I came up with these interesting points about this Dutch family.
There were 19 children; two were born after this photo.
Their given names were actually much more "interesting" than the ones under the photo. They are very Latin sounding.
There were 60 grandchildren, from 9 of the children in the photo.
Of the other 10 children in this family...
3 died as babies (3rd, 11th, and 18th children)
4 took holy orders (7th, 9th, 12th, and 19th children)
3 were otherwise unmarried (8th, 10th, and 17th children).

....Link:Chastain family, apparently siblings

It appears the women at the top of the last picture are sisters, and the children in front are their children, sitting with their grandparents.
Click HERE to see the Bretzke and Kopriva family page, where you click on the thumbnails to see the large versions of the two pictures above.

These pictures are from a page for a film called FAUBOURG TREMÉ, the untold story of black New Orleans. Click HERE to see the page, and click on the thumbnails on that page to see their large version.
Here are some photos from various genealogy or other sites. These are just thumbnails to tempt you. Clicking on the photo or on the link I give should link you to the family's site, to the page where the photo is. This is for courtesy and possibly copyright reasons.
The Jacob-Buys family. Clicking on the picture above will take you to the original site, where names are listed under the photo.
Upon reading a little further, I came up with these interesting points about this Dutch family.
There were 19 children; two were born after this photo.
Their given names were actually much more "interesting" than the ones under the photo. They are very Latin sounding.
There were 60 grandchildren, from 9 of the children in the photo.
Of the other 10 children in this family...
3 died as babies (3rd, 11th, and 18th children)
4 took holy orders (7th, 9th, 12th, and 19th children)
3 were otherwise unmarried (8th, 10th, and 17th children).
....Link:Chastain family, apparently siblings
It appears the women at the top of the last picture are sisters, and the children in front are their children, sitting with their grandparents.
Click HERE to see the Bretzke and Kopriva family page, where you click on the thumbnails to see the large versions of the two pictures above.
These pictures are from a page for a film called FAUBOURG TREMÉ, the untold story of black New Orleans. Click HERE to see the page, and click on the thumbnails on that page to see their large version.