Franz Zimmerman family, with the first 4 children - taken around 1905. (This is a guess based on little Erhard's birthdate and his approximate age in the picture.) The father Franz in this picture is the same Franz who is the son of Fritz Zimmerman in the second picture in the previous post from Melanie (the post just below this one). Franz was a farmer who lived in Wisconsin. Franz and Alma had another child, Roland, after this picture was taken. Both parents and all of the children were born in Wisconsin. Franz and Alma were married in 1896 in Wisconsin.
Left to right
Back: Walter (1901-1994), Franz (father 1869-1943), Herbert (1898-1928)
Front: Hilda (spelled correctly 1899-1991), Erhard (1904-2006), Alma Hohenstern (mother 1877-1950)

Left to right
Back: Hilda (1899-1991), Walter (1901-1994)
Center: Roland (1908-1981)
Front: Erhard (1904-2006), Herbert (1898-1928)
***These are all of the children of born to Franz and Alma Zimmerman. They are the same children as in the pictures above, except for the addition of Roland. The whole family was born in Wisconsin.

Franz and Alma Zimmerman's 4 adult children - taken in 1930's or 1940's? (guessing by their ages and the fact that brother Herbert who died in 1928 isn't in the picture)
Left to right:
Hilda Zimmerman Justman (1899-1991), Erhard Zimmerman (1904-2006), Walter Zimmerman (1901-1994), Roland Zimmerman (1908-1981)
So who exactly did you get these photos from? Erhard Zimmerman happens to be my great-grandfather (in fact I happen to have that first pic), and so I'm a little curious as to who else owns these pics, and if they have more.