Here are two more wonderful photos from Melanie. I love this first one particularly. Mom and youngest son are looking off to the side at some distraction. I would have been so annoyed if I were Ma!

Melanie doesn't have names for this one. She only knows the people are from her mother's side of the family.

Melanie writes: "This is a generation picture. I don't know the date, but I'm guessing it was taken in the late 1800's, early 1900's. Writing on the picture identifies each of the women, Grandma Schwartz, Dorothy, Great Grandma Johannes, Grandma Rosing.
I am not sure if Grandma Schwartz and Grandma Rosing are both from the same generation (grandmothers of Dorothy?) or if Grandma Schwartz is the daughter of Grandma Rosing. I just know they are all from my mother's side of the family."
My opinion, just going from the picture but not knowing the family, is that the women on either side are definitely related by blood, they look so much alike; to me they look like mother and daughter. My guess is that they are both labeled "Grandma" because they are both Grandma to someone - for example, my husband's grandmother is called "Nana" sometimes and "Great-Nana" sometimes in our family, confusing the children. You can post your own opinion in the comments!

Melanie doesn't have names for this one. She only knows the people are from her mother's side of the family.

Melanie writes: "This is a generation picture. I don't know the date, but I'm guessing it was taken in the late 1800's, early 1900's. Writing on the picture identifies each of the women, Grandma Schwartz, Dorothy, Great Grandma Johannes, Grandma Rosing.
I am not sure if Grandma Schwartz and Grandma Rosing are both from the same generation (grandmothers of Dorothy?) or if Grandma Schwartz is the daughter of Grandma Rosing. I just know they are all from my mother's side of the family."
My opinion, just going from the picture but not knowing the family, is that the women on either side are definitely related by blood, they look so much alike; to me they look like mother and daughter. My guess is that they are both labeled "Grandma" because they are both Grandma to someone - for example, my husband's grandmother is called "Nana" sometimes and "Great-Nana" sometimes in our family, confusing the children. You can post your own opinion in the comments!