Dear fellow old-photo-appreciators I'm sorry for the very long silence! I realize that most people will not have been frustrated by my lack of adding photos to this blog, since with feed readers people are able to follow a blog without clicking on it to check for new posts. Thank goodness for that. However, I still feel bad and apologize. ------ (teasers, keep reading) Several years ago (it looks like 5 years ago! Eek!) I started spending time on Flickr, looking for old photos of big families posted there. I spent months at this, and I found so many that I had to create several more accounts just to be able to "favourite" the many I found. My goal was to post the links to these favourite lists on this blog, so that you could see all the photos without my having to link to each picture separately in multiple blog posts. Also, many of them would not have allowed that with their privacy settings anyway. So, without fu...
Welcome! I hope you enjoy a browse through my collection of old photos of bigger families. I also welcome any contributions of photos from your family's past, and (friendly) comments. CLICK ON EACH PHOTO TO SEE IT AT ITS ORIGINAL SIZE