Whitehouse family Photo: Mary Margaret Whitehouse L to R, Barbara; Mary Margaret; Doreen; Sandra & Louis A 58-year-old mystery spanning six provinces has come to a dead end in Kelowna, literally. The family of James Louis Whitehouse has been searching for him since they were separated shortly after their mother died in 1939. Thelma Margaret Brady Whitehouse and Kjelder James Whitehouse had 4 children. At the time of her death and delivery of James Louis Whitehouse they had 4 girls. Barbara 8, Sandra 5, Doreen 3, and Mary Margaret 1. She gave birth to James Louis after a fall down the back stairs on May 31, 1939, and she passed the next day June 1, 1939. According to Mary Margaret, now 80-years-old, her father made the decision to place the children with family members before he headed west. "Barbara and Sandra the 2 oldest were given to his parents Jim and Klara Whitehouse in Verdun, Que. James Louis and Doreen wound up in the Social Services system. They...
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